Official Lobby3 On-Chain Information


This information describes current Lobby3 wallet addresses, badge(s), and other on-chain objects.

Lobby3 Executive Fund (Ethereum)

Chain -  Ethereum Mainnet
Address - 0x02423080980E138Bb2DDEa2869649887E84088Fd
Description - The Executive Fund of the Lobby3 UNA is Lobby3's primary treasury on Ethereum Mainnet.

Below are descriptions for the various disbursements from the Legacy Community Fund

Lobby3 UNA Executive Fund Public Finances

Lobby3 Executive Fund (Gnosis Chain)

ChainGnosis Chain
Address - 0x931950Fc40062f82aC982796CA1E8ff31b2F0775
Description - The Executive Fund of the Lobby3 UNA is Lobby3's primary treasury on Gnosis Chain.

Designated Membership Badge (Draft)

This information describes the current draft of the Lobby3 Membership Badge. This draft is designed to allow us to learn what needs we have for a custom token contract, which we will eventually write. For information about prior membership tokens, please see Historical Information below.

Chain - Polygon Mainnet
Contract - 0x8E6409da50E58A372bb3eD62Aa06C9dB6e2b8724
Token ID - 0
OpenSea Collection

Lobby3 Membership Badge


This information describes prior Lobby3 Membership Token(s), wallet addresses, and other on-chain objects which may not hold any significance in relation to Lobby3 at present. This information is made available for verification purposes.

Lobby3 Legacy Community Fund (Ethereum)

Chain -  Ethereum Mainnet
Address - 0x2E4859A2e7661c2d08eDb79660DbE043e8d669E3
Description - The Community Fund of the Lobby3 Legacy DAO is comprised of the ETH left over from token sale. Any additional assets in this multisig wallet comprise the Executive Fund of the Lobby3 Legacy DAO. Because the Legacy Community Fund is comprised of ETH from tokenholders, disbursements from this fund are subject to tokenholder governance. Included in the spreadsheet below are the various discussions and proposals pertaining to every such disbursement.

Below are descriptions for the various disbursements from the Legacy Community Fund

Public Finances Sheet

Lobby3 Legacy Executive Fund (Ethereum)

Chain -  Ethereum Mainnet
Address - 0x2E4859A2e7661c2d08eDb79660DbE043e8d669E3
Description - The Executive Fund of the Lobby3 Legacy DAO is comprised of all the assets in the above wallet address, save for the ETH left over from token sale, which comprises the Legacy Community Fund. Disbursements from the Executive Fund are not subject to tokenholder governance.

Below are descriptions for the various disbursements from the Legacy Executive Fund

Lobby3 Legacy Executive Fund Public Finances

Lobby3 Legacy Membership Token

This information describes the previous Lobby3 Membership Token, now distinguished as the "Legacy" Membership Token. Possession of this token does not confer Lobby3  membership

Chain - Ethereum Mainnet
Contract - 0xD96Cc6BA0861C45821bF04eA8E47979393ae7af1
OpenSea Collection

Lobby3 Membership Badge